Wall butterfly

Lasiommata megera

family - Satyridae (Browns)

The Wall butterfly is orange-brown in colour, marked with dark brown.

My personal observations of the Wall butterfly

months seen in my garden: NONE
months seen in the English countryside: May and August

Butterfly sightings 2005:

Wall at Crickley Hill, 29 May
Wall at Crickley Hill, 29 May
Wall on Thistle at Bratton Camp, 21 August
Also seen at Whitesheet Hill, 21 August

Butterfly sightings 2003:

Wall at Whitesheet Hill, 12 August

Reference Section

Size: 44mm (smaller than Small White - see list of butterflies by size)

First Generation flight period: May-June
Second Generation flight period: July-August
Third Generation flight period: September-October in a good year

Habitat: Hedgerows and Hillsides.
Larval Food Plants: Grasses
Wild Nectar Plants: Thistle

Family Group: Satyridae - see list of butterflies by family

This page last updated: 9 December, 2005