Rubus idaeus and Rubus species

Raspberry and Blackberry

These plants attract the following butterflies:

Comma, Red Admiral

Image from 2003:

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Comma resting on Blackberry bush (Bramble) along nearby path. 27 July.

Past images:

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Dark Green Fritillary resting on raspberry cane in my Wiltshire garden. August 1999.


I grew Raspberry 'Autumn Bliss' in my previous garden in Wiltshire. Comma and Red Admiral butterflies enjoyed feeding on the juices of the over-ripe fruit.

Here in Cirencester I see these butterflies feeding on over-ripe blackberries which border the path heading towards the town. I counted 8 Comma butterflies along the path in September 2002.

Reference Section

Plant Type: fruiting shrubs

Fruits in September

Height: 2m
Spread: 2m or more

This page last updated April 18, 2004