Small Skipper butterfly

Thymelicus sylvestris

family - Hesperiidae (Skippers)

My personal observations of the Small Skipper butterfly

months seen in my garden: July

garden plants that attract this species: Hyssop, Helichrysum, Marigolds, Candytuft, Sweet William, Virginian Stock, Buddleia (list shared with Essex Skipper)

Butterfly sightings 2005:

Small Skipper sat on Agrimony?, 31 July 2005
Small Skipper sat on Knapweed, 31 July 2005 (I think it's a small...)

Slides from 2003:

Small Skipper On Tufted Vetch. Uley, Gloucestershire. July 12.

Small Skipper On Bird's Foot Trefoil. Golden Valley, Gloucestershire. July 8.

Small Skipper On Bird's Foot Trefoil. Golden Valley, Gloucestershire. July 8.

Hope I've got my identification correct, but please see Essex Skipper butterfly too

Reference Section

Size: 30mm (smaller than the Small White - see list of butterflies by size)

First Generation flight period: July-August


The difference between the Small Skipper and the Essex Skipper butterfly is determined by the color of the underside of the tip of the antennae.

Small Skipper: undersides of clubs of antennae are reddish-orange.
Essex Skipper: undersides of clubs of antennae are black.

Habitat: Grassland
Larval Food Plants: Grasses
Wild Nectar Plants: Clover, Knapweed

Family Group: Hesperiidae - see list of butterflies by family

This page last updated: 1 August, 2005